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Student Academic Success & Educational Equity Programs Division of Student Affairs

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Native Scholars & Transition Program

In an effort to support the needs of our Native American community of students, the Native American Student Success Collective has been established to promote the rich traditions of the culture, the faculty/staff and students, as well as build on successful existing approaches to advance student success.

The program includes supporting in guiding students thru the admission process, transitional student support through summer programming, learning community offerings for Native students at both the upper division and lower division levels.

The Native Scholar experience is enriched by cultural programming, college and community resource fairs, transitional and enrollment support, program celebrations, and social and student support gatherings.

Contact Us

Jose A. Mejia
Lassen Hall 2205
Phone: (916) 278-6183

Native Transfer Scholars Program (NTSP)

In an effort to increase the Native American student population at our campus, Sacramento State has collaborated with the Los Rios Community College, Sierra, Butte, Woodland and Yuba College Native America Resource Centers. The goal of the program is to develop an early relationship with the Native America transfer students and help them prepare to transfer. Native American transfer students interested in the NTSP attend a one-day outreach event at Sacramento State to learn more about the CSU Admissions requirements, Financial Aid options, campus services and tour the campus. Scholars who attend the event also have an opportunity to meet with their major advisors and faculty and walk-way with an educational transfer plan.

Native Scholars Transition Program (NSTP)

The missions of the Native Transition Scholars Program is to increase the enrollment and retention of Native American student for both incoming First-Year and Transfer Students at Sacramento State. Once Native American students have applied to the Sac State, the goal of the NSTP is to communicate with applicants and help them understand critical department deadlines and assist with their transition. Scholars attend a one-day spring pre-orientation day event at Sac State to help better understand their Financial Aid award letter/package, learn about Admissions critical deadlines, assist register for their New Student Orientation and learn about campus resources and services available to them.

American Indian Summer Institute (AISI)

The AISI is a weeklong summer program for local California Native American youth and the general tribal citizens to which they are connected as a community. AISI generally takes place in late June of each year and is in-person. The program’s home base is American River College; however, the program includes a day trip to both UC Davis and Sacramento State campus.

Participants have the opportunity to learn about the UC, CSU and Community College System, campus admissions requirements, majors, programs, meet with faculty, and an opportunity to explore and learn about campus services and resources.

The goal of AISI is to prepare the Native American youth to understand admissions requirements and prepare for college. AISI provides mentorship and support to help students prepare to transition to college after high school. AISI is open to Sacramento regional tribal youth who are entering 11th and 12th grades (10th grade entering acceptable for tribal citizens of United Auburn Indian Community, Wilton Rancheria, Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, and Ione Band of Miwok Indians).

To learn more, please visit the American Indian Summer Institute website.